How mythopoeic stories carve space for change: A roundtable

— Rivera Sun

Paper given 1 August 2021 at Mythcon 51 Session 12

Mythopoeic writings have the capacity to carve out space for new visions, radical thought, and social change. Join Rivera Sun for a roundtable social change. Join Rivera Sun for a roundtable discussion on how this has impacted us as readers (or writers) in our own lives. We’ll also explore how far these writings can push the envelope before society starts pushing back. Where are the boundaries that can’t be crossed, and how can mythopoeic stories help shift those boundaries on behalf of social change? What role does perceived market demand or pushback play in how publishers either constrain or support stories that help us imagine a new world into existence?

Authoritative information may be found here.

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source URL 🌐SWOSU Digital Commons - Mythcon: How Mythopoeic Stories Carve Space For Change
date recorded 📅2022-01-23
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