Fall term and summer reviews

18 October 2021 | A Single LeafAnna Smol

I am halfway into the fall term — always a busy time with meetings, grading, and class preparations. It’s hard to find time for research — or blogging. But one thing that I like to do whenever I have a half hour or so is to review videos of past conference presentations or listen to chats with other Tolkien scholars and fans.

One benefit of the move to online or hybrid conferences has been that we have in many cases a recording of the talks that were given. If you missed one, or if you just want to refresh your memory, there is plenty to listen to.

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I am halfway into the fall term — always a busy time with meetings, grading, and class preparations. It’s hard to find time for research — or blogging. But one thing that I like to do whenever I have a half hour or so is to review videos of past conference presentations or listen to chats with other Tolkien scholars and fans.

One benefit of the move to online or hybrid conferences has been that we have in many cases a recording of the talks that were given. If you missed one, or if you just want to refresh your memory, there is plenty to listen to.

Tolkien Society logo

Tolkien at Kalamazoo Symposium, May 8. I have previously linked to my talk and 6 other recorded presentations that were given on that day here: https://​annas​mol​.net/​2​0​2​1​/​0​5​/​2​4​/​t​o​l​k​i​e​n​-​s​y​m​p​o​s​i​u​m​-​2​0​2​1​-​t​o​l​k​i​e​n​-​t​h​e​-​p​l​a​y​w​r​ight/

Other recorded talks for registered attendees. Those who registered for certain conferences that included Tolkien sessions, such as the International Congress on Medieval Studies (Western Michigan University) in May, the Popular Culture Association conference in June, the International Medieval Congress (Leeds) in July, or Oxonmoot Online in September, will have had access to recorded talks for a certain time after each conference. Only the Oxonmoot talks are still available to registered delegates.

Tolkien Experience Podcast logo

And if you’re not feeling up to listening to scholarly presentations, you can always tune in to the Tolkien Experience Podcast, which features a mix of scholars and fans chatting about their experiences with reading Tolkien’s works and what they mean to them today. I was interviewed by my friend, Dr. Sara Brown, in September. You can listen to my interview, TEP #38, here. Or select from a list of recent interviews here: https://​luke​-shel​ton​.com/​t​o​l​k​i​e​n​e​x​p​e​r​i​e​n​c​e​p​o​d​cast/

And more talks are coming up!

The Tolkien Society Autumn Seminar will be held online on November 6. The theme is Translating and Illustrating Tolkien. Registration is free and still open: https://​www​.tolkienso​ci​ety​.org/​e​v​e​n​t​s​/​t​o​l​k​i​e​n​-​s​o​c​i​e​t​y​-​a​u​t​u​m​n​-​s​e​m​inar/

And something new to add to the roster: the Mythopoeic Society is sponsoring an online winter seminar on The Inklings and Horror: Fantasy’s Dark Corners on February 4 – 5. The Call for Papers is open until November 15 if you’re interested in presenting. You can find more information here: https://​www​.myth​soc​.org/​m​y​t​h​c​o​n​/​o​w​s​-​2​0​2​2.htm

[Full text is provided here in the event that the original blog post is no longer available. If possible, please read the original post at Anna Smol: A Single Leaf – Department of English, Mount Saint Vincent University.]

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source URL 🌐Fall term and summer reviews – Anna Smol: A Single Leaf
date recorded 📅2021-10-31
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