A Virtual “Halfling” Mythcon 51


14 August 2021 | Beyond Bree, August, 2021, 3.01

Mythcon 51 (July 31-Aug 1, 2021), virtual conference on Zoom and Discord. Info: http://​myth​soc​.org/.

The Mythopoeic Society’s annual conference, Mythcon 51, with the theme The Mythic, the Fantastic, the Alien,” had originally been scheduled tor Albuquerque, New Mexico, in 2020, but was cancelled due to COVID, later postponed to 2021. With the venue’s 2021 status still uncertain, the Albuquerque Mythcon — now dubbed Mythcon 52 — was again postponed to 2022, and a virtual Halfling” Mythcon 51 took its place in 2021. So, many of the presentations still addressed the Alien” theme.

But as a result of being virtual, people who would have been unable to attend a live gathering were able to participate. Mythcon 51 had ~150 attendees, with people participating from Japan, Australia, Mexico, Canada, and Europe as well as the United States.

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date recorded 📅2021-08-14
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