The Lord of the Rings: A source-study and personal view
Nancy Martsch, p. 5
It seems unjust to fault an author born a century and a quarter ago, who died nearly fifty years ago, for failing to conform to contemporary mores, especially if said mores are little more than a dozen years old. What follows is a personal opinion. Others may differ. For me, The Lord of the Rings is a window into history. Growing up in Southern California in the mid-20th Century, I was immediately aware how much Tolkien’s world differed from mine, in climate, culture, and history. The more I can learn about Tolkien’s world, the more insight I can gain into his writing. When I see the English countryside, I can better visualize the Shire. Tolkien came of age when hereditary rulers reigned over, if not actually ruled, most of Europe and much of Asia; when many of the European powers had empires; and most of Africa and parts of Asia was under European rule.…