Cooking for wizards, warriors and dragons: recipes by Isabel Minunni; illustrations by Tim Foley

— review by Nancy Martsch

9 December 2021 | Beyond Bree, December, 2021, 7

… The book is divided into Breakfasts & second breakfasts (brunch), Soups & stews,” Suppers” (“The hunt,” The farm,” The catch” [fish & seafood], Cocktails”), Snacks & sides,” Desserts,” and Feasts.” And a useful bibliography of fantasy works, which includes The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings (but not Narnia), but is predominantly newer works. The recipes are inspired by” (sometimes very loosely) or comments upon various fantasy works. For instance: King’s landing barbecue: Charred and smoked meats.” Among the Tolkien items are No living man am I” kebabs (for Éowyn), Mordor lava cake,” Precious ladyfingers,” and Smaug’s gold toddy” (a cocktail). (But no Lembas bread,” fortunately.) …

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date recorded 📅2021-12-31
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