Digital Tolkien on Instagram

10 August 2021 | Digital Tolkien ProjectJames Tauber

On a fairly regular basis I post charts and visualizations from this project to Twitter and I thought it might be fun to start an Instagram account dedicated to just this.

You can follow at: https://​www​.insta​gram​.com/​d​i​g​i​t​a​l​t​o​l​kien/

At some point I’ll start to make the code and data behind these sorts of things available on this site in a gallery of sorts with more detail and potential reproducibility but, for now, Instagram seems like a fun way to share some of the output.

Authoritative information may be found here.

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source URL 🌐Digital Tolkien on Instagram | Digital Tolkien Project
date recorded 📅2021-08-16
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