Tolkien Reading Day 2022

26 March 2022 | Digital Tolkien ProjectJames Tauber

The last two years I’ve participated in the Tolkien Reading Day sessions organized by Tolkien Collector’s Guide. This year, Jeremy interviewed people on various topics and he invited me and Elise Trudel Cedeño to talk about Digital Humanities and Education.

Given the Tolkien Society’s theme this year of Love and Friendship it was a particular delight to appear with Elise, one of my dearest friends and a longtime collaborator on applying the work of the Digital Tolkien Project to teaching Tolkien to both kids and adults (one of the topics we discuss).…

☜ Click for full post text.

The last two years I’ve participated in the Tolkien Reading Day sessions organized by Tolkien Collector’s Guide. This year, Jeremy interviewed people on various topics and he invited me and Elise Trudel Cedeño to talk about Digital Humanities and Education.

Given the Tolkien Society’s theme this year of Love and Friendship it was a particular delight to appear with Elise, one of my dearest friends and a longtime collaborator on applying the work of the Digital Tolkien Project to teaching Tolkien to both kids and adults (one of the topics we discuss).

You can watch all the sessions on YouTube here.

It also marked the official launch of Search Tolkien.

[Full text is provided here in the event that the original blog post is no longer available. If possible, please read the original post at Digital Tolkien Project | A scholarly project focused on Tolkien from both a corpus linguistic and digital humanities perspective..]

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source URL 🌐Tolkien Reading Day 2022 | Digital Tolkien Project
date recorded 📅2022-04-08
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