Kristine Larsen
Pronouns: she, her
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Peer-reviewed articles
Reprinted conference papers
- 20 October 2021. Journal of Tolkien Research, Volume 13, № 2. “Ore-ganisms”: The myth and meaning of “living rock” in Middle-earth
- 19 October 2021. Journal of Tolkien Research, Volume 13, № 2. Smaug’s hoard, Durin’s bane, and Agricola’s De re metallica: Cautionary tales against mining in Tolkien’s legendarium and the Classical tradition
- 17 October 2021. Journal of Tolkien Research, Volume 13, № 2. Who maketh Morwinyon, and Menelmacar, and Remmirath, and the inner parts of the South (where the stars are strange): Tolkien’s astronomical choices and the books of Job and Amos
- 27 August 2021. Journal of Tolkien Research, Volume 13, № 1. “Carry on my wayward sonne” (and moon): Common cosmological quirks in the Norse Fimbul-winter and Tolkien’s early legendarium
- 26 August 2021. Journal of Tolkien Research, Volume 13, № 1. The Walls of the World and the voyages of the Evening Star: The Byzantine borders of Tolkien’s Biblical/Classical/Medieval/Geocentric/Heliocentric complicated cosmology
- 25 August 2021. Journal of Tolkien Research, Volume 13, № 1. Cynewulf, Copernicus, and conjunctions: The problems of Cytherean motions in Tolkien’s cosmology
- 3 June 2021. Journal of Tolkien Research, Volume 12, № 1. “I Am No Man”: Éowyn and Game of Thrones’ Lyanna Mormont
- 24 March 2021. Journal of Tolkien Research, Volume 11, № 2. Númenor and the “devouring wave”: Literary, historical, and psychological sources for Tolkien’s self-described “Atlantis complex”
- 4 July 2022. moderator/chair, № 141: J.R.R. Tolkien: Medieval roots and modern branches, at International Medieval Congress 2022.
- 4 July 2022. Author, ‘Pearls’ of Pearl: Medieval appropriations in Tolkien’s mythology. In IMC 2022 Session 241
- 2 April 2022. Author, Arda remade: History and 20th century cosmology. In Tolkien in Vermont 2022 Keynote
- 5 February 2022. Author, Coffin births, eclipse babies, and test-tube wombs: Unnatural birth in the world of Andrzej Sapkowski’s Witcher series. In Mythopoeic Society 2022 OMS Saturday
- 21 October 2021. Author, Arda re-made: COVID-19, Tolkien, Sapkowski, & Straczynski. In NEPCA 2021 Thursday Session 3 Slot 1: COVID-19 and Popular Culture 1
- 4 September 2021. Author, Tar-Meneldur and the Sorontil Royal Observatory. In the 3rd day of Oxonmoot 2021
- 9 July 2021. Moderator/chair, Medieval climates, cosmologies, & ecosystems in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien II, at International Medieval Congress (2021).
- 9 July 2021. Author, ‘Carry on my wayward sonne’ (and moon): Common cosmological quirks in the Norse ‘Fimbul-Winter’ and Tolkien’s early legendarium. In Medieval climates, cosmologies, & ecosystems in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien I
- 3 July 2021. Author, The problematic perimeters of Elrond Half-elven and Ronald English-Catholic. In Tolkien Society Summer Seminar 2021: Saturday session № 2
- 4 June 2021. Participant, Tolkien Studies VI: A roundtable on the future of Tolkien Studies, at PCA 2021 National Conference.
- 2 June 2021. Author, “I am no man”: Game of Thrones’ Lyanna Mormont as borrowed Tolkienian canonicity. In Tolkien Studies II: Multi-disciplinary approaches to Tolkien’s legendarium
- 15 May 2021. presider, № 402: Tolkien’s paratexts, appendices, annals, and marginalia: A roundtable, at 56th International Congress on Medieval Studies.
- 13 May 2021. Author, Signum draco magno scilicet; or, Ēarendel and the dragons: Heavenly warfare in Medieval European and Tolkienian annals. In 2021 ICMS Session 266
- 8 May 2021. Author, Seeing double: J.R.R. Tolkien and Indo-European conceptions of twins. In Session 2
- 10 April 2021. Author, Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Watling Street? Tolkien and the Milky Way. In Tolkien in Vermont 2021 session 5
- 18 April 2020. Author, “I am no man”: Game of Thrones’ Lyanna Mormont as borrowed Tolkienian canonicity. In PCA 2020: Tolkien Studies II
- 18 April 2020. session chair, № 5523: Tolkien Studies II: The legendarium, at PCA 2020 National Conference.
- 6 April 2019. Author, They’re like something from a nightmare.: No. They’re something nightmares are from.… Monsters. Magic. Gods; or, J.R.R. Tolkien and Joss Whedon: The Notion Club Papers as horror [albeit somewhat satirical and intellectual horror, as in the classic film The Cabin in the Woods] Disclaimer: Don’t…. In Tolkien in Vermont 2019 session 1
- 6 April 2019. moderator, Session 2: The perils of Feærie, at Tolkien in Vermont 2019.
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