21 December 2021 | Mallorn, Winter, 2021, 5
With this issue, we are happy to resume the normal publishing schedule of Mallorn. There have been many exciting changes for the journal over the past year. The most exciting news is that the board of the Tolkien Society voted to make past content of the journal available Open Access, with a two-year rolling embargo. This means that I will be working with my team to make all Mallorn content available online (at journals. tolkiensociety.org/mallorn/) with the exception of the two most recent issues. The site will be updated regularly, so please add it to your Tolkien resources. Another important update is that Live Knudsen has stepped down as a copy editor. We wish her the best as she devotes more time to her studies, and we are very happy to welcome Diana Simion, who served as a copy editor on this issue, and Taryn Walls, who also worked on this issue and will stay on staff for future issues. As a final matter of housekeeping, I would like to thank the members of our editorial review board, as well as Timothy Boyd, Melissa Ridley Elmes, and Laura Martin-Gomez, for providing reviews for the articles of this issue.…