Middle-earth; or, there and back again: ed. Łukasz Neubauer
— review by Tamsin Barlow | Milton Nye Weatherhead
21 December 2021 | Mallorn, Winter, 2021, 46
Near the end of 2020, a notably bleak year, Walking Tree Publishers released a collection of well-written, accessible, and thought-provoking essays by Polish scholars that will delight scholars and non-academics alike. Edited by Łukasz Neubauer, this collection looks at the medieval source materials that inspired Tolkien’s imagination. Combined with Tolkien’s lived experience and Catholic faith, these materials influenced, modified, and helped him create something original, according to these scholars. The essays show Tolkien’s treatment of these sources as synergistic, creating work that bridges the medieval and the modern, not only keeping these stories alive, but also imbuing them with potency for audiences today.…