Tolkien in translation: A panel
— Martha Celis Mendoza, independent scholar; Alicia Matz; Marcel Aubron-Bülles; José Manuel Ferrández Bru, independent scholar; César Octavio Martínez Benavidez; and Arden Smith
Paper given 3 September 2021 at 2nd day of Oxonmoot 2021
Tolkien’s works have been translated into a wide variety of languages. As a translator of several pieces from Old and Middle English himself, we can see from some of Tolkien’s letters to his editors that he had given serious consideration to how his work should be translated, especially in the case of names, and particularly in those languages he was most familiar with. Join us in this panel, where translators, as well as Translation Studies scholars, will discuss the challenges of translating the works of JRR Tolkien, how the translations to different languages have been assessed, the need for retranslations on a periodic basis, as well as the strategies behind the translation of Tolkien criticism.