And so it begins

20 January 2022 | Sacnoth’s ScriptoriumJohn D. Rateliff

So, I see they’ve now announced the name of the upcoming Amazon Tolkien project: The Rings of Power. As is often the case with Tolkien, names mean a lot, and in this case the official name tells us quite a lot about the show-in-progress.

Most importantly, it’s a Tolkien title (or more accurately a modified Tolkien title), a clipped form of Of the rings of power and the Third Age, the fifth of the five constitute parts that make up the 1977 Silmarillion (pages 285 – 304). This fits in well with everything the filmmakers have told us…

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So, I see they’ve now announced the name of the upcoming Amazon Tolkien project: THE RINGS OF POWER. As is often the case with Tolkien, names mean a lot, and in this case the official name tells us quite a lot about the show-in-progress. 

Most importantly, it’s a Tolkien title (or more accurately a modified Tolkien title), a clipped form of OF THE RINGS OF POWER AND THE THIRD AGE, the fifth of the five constitute parts that make up the 1977 SILMARILLION (pages 285 – 304). This fits in well with everything the filmmakers have told us about the project during the long process of making it: particularly that it will be set in the Second Age (= . 285-.294), that it would at some point present Sauron in his Lord of Gifts’ mode (Annatar, .286), and that Numenor would feature largely in it (.289ff) — though the greater part of the Numenor story appeared not in OF THE RINGS OF POWER, the fifth part of the SILMARILLION, but in the fourth part: THE AKALLABETH (Silm. 259 – 282).

The newly released trailer itself is a bit underwhelming, but it’s good to see things moving again on this after months of silence. Here’s a link to one of many similar announcements that went out today:


–John R.

–current reading: LITTLE, BIG (halfway there)

[Full text is provided here in the event that the original blog post is no longer available. If possible, please read the original post at SACNOTH'S SCRIPTORIUM - John D. Rateliff's Official Website.]

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