Erik Mueller-Harder
Erik Mueller-Harder

№ 35: Erik Mueller-Harder

9 July 2021 | Tolkien Experience PodcastLuke Shelton

Erik Mueller-Harders scholarly focus is on cartography and map-making. This interest has led him to closely investigate the first maps that Tolkien ever created for The Lord of the Rings, and his conference presentations on the subject are mesmerizing! In addition to this personal focus, Erik has also created a website Tolkienists​.org that has helpful resources for any Tolkien fan or researcher! This is where you will find the Tolkien Society Award nominated Tolkien Art Index, as well as his LR Citations, and a forum that is a hub for researchers and scholars!

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Erik Mueller-Harders scholarly focus is on cartography and map-making. This interest has led him to closely investigate the first maps that Tolkien ever created for The Lord of the Rings, and his conference presentations on the subject are mesmerizing! In addition to this personal focus, Erik has also created a website Tolkienists​.org that has helpful resources for any Tolkien fan or researcher! This is where you will find the Tolkien Society Award nominated Tolkien Art Index, as well as his LR Citations, and a forum that is a hub for researchers and scholars!

[Full text is provided here in the event that the original blog post is no longer available. If possible, please read the original post at Tolkien Experience Podcast – Luke Shelton PhD.]

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source URL 🌐TEP #35 — Erik Mueller-Harder – Luke Shelton PhD
date recorded 📅2021-08-11
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