I was but a young child so I can not speak with clarity as to my discovery but I have been reading Tolkien’s works since I was in 1st grade. This love grows yearly since then and each re-read brings discoveries and more understanding than I first had! …
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How were you introduced to Tolkien’s work?
I was but a young child so I can not speak with clarity as to my discovery but I have been reading Tolkien’s works since I was in 1st grade. This love grows yearly since then and each re-read brings discoveries and more understanding than I first had!
What is your favorite part of Tolkien’s work?
I have to go with The Two Towers and more specifically The Battle Of Helms Deep. This battle pushed my imagination beyond what was possible and when the Peter Jackson’s adaptation brought it to life that became solidified as my favorite moment from then on.
What is your fondest experience of Tolkien’s work?
My fondest experience of Tolkien’s work would be my cousin Ben letting me read his copy of the trilogy. I never forgot that little act of kindness from him even if he probably forgets. Being able to remember fondly a family member who I love with the works of my favorite author is a blessing I can’t be more thankful for.
Has the way you approach Tolkien’s work changed over time?
My approach to Tolkien would originally just be a yearly reading of the classic trilogy but has evolved with time to cross checking books through every journey into Arda! Between The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, The Lord of The Rings, and Unfinished Tales (plus more in my collection!) I grew from just reading simply to fully delving and immersing myself. I could spiel about my more specific progress and methodical learning style but I think it’s enough to say I am just more thorough as time moves on.
Would you ever recommend Tolkien’s work? Why/Why not?
I can happily answer I always recommend Tolkien, at best you love him and at worst you gained a new experience with which to think about. Fully drawn out universes tend to attract enjoyment so I lead my recommendation with that.
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