The Ring goes south: The Brazilian translations through time and the perceptions and receptions within fandom and scholarship

— Erick Carvalho de Mello

Paper given 13 February 2021 at Tolkien Society 2021 Winter Seminar

The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings had three Brazilian Portuguese translations through time. Each one of them with different approaches and receptions. From a social and historical perspective, all those efforts transformed the Brazilian reading experience and created a specific cultural memory around its readers and enthusiasts.

The aim of this paper is to consider those elements through a social memory perspective and try to show how the differences between those translations could help us to understand the multiple uses of Tolkien’s writings in a large Portuguese speaking culture since the first translations from the 70s to the most recent ones nowadays.

Authoritative information may be found here.

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source URL 🌐Erick Carvalho de Mello - 'Brazilian translations and their receptions in fandom and scholarship’ - YouTube
date recorded 📅2022-01-24
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