The Tolkien Society

The Tolkien Society is an educational charity and literary society devoted to the study and promotion of the life and works of the author and academic J.R.R. Tolkien.

As a membership organisation, the Tolkien Society publishes a bulletin (Amon Hen) and a journal (Mallorn) at regular intervals, and organises various events (Oxonmoot, Tolkien Society Seminar, Tolkien Reading Day, Springmoot and AGM, &c.) throughout the year.

Affiliated Tolkienists


20 February 2022
Winner of the Best Artwork Award 2021:
He Beheld a Vision of Gondolin Amid the Snow”
 — Ted Nasmith

Nominations open for The Tolkien Society Awards 2022

The Tolkien Society } Shaun Gunner

… The first round of nominations for The Tolkien Society Awards 2022 is now open.

The Awards recognise excellence in Tolkien scholarship and fandom, furthering the Society’s long-standing charitable objective to seek to educate the public in, and promote research into, the life and works of Professor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien CBE“.

This year’s categories are:

  • Best Artwork
  • Best Article
  • Best Book
  • Best Online Content


  • Outstanding Contribution Award

The winners will be announced following the AGM on Saturday 9th April 2022.

more ☞

Authoritative information may be found here.

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date recorded 📅2021-08-27
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