Music in Tolkien’s work and beyond: ed. Julian Eilmann & Friedhelm Schneidewind
— review by David Bratman
5 October 2021 | Tolkien Studies, XVIII, 266
This is the third anthology of articles about Tolkien and music. Together with its two predecessors (Music in Middle-earth, edited by Heidi Steimel and Friedhelm Schneidewind, Walking Tree, 2010; and Middle-earth minstrel: Essays on music in Tolkien, edited by Bradford Lee Eden, McFarland, 2010), it demonstrates that music was vital to Tolkien’s imagination. All three anthologies venture outside of the topic of music as strictly defined, into lyrics on their own as poetry, and into Tolkien’s special interest of the music — if it may be so called — of language as studied in philology. The “and beyond” of this book’s title, however, alludes to articles discussing other authors in comparison with Tolkien, and to articles covering music inspired by Tolkien.…