The year’s work in Tolkien studies 2018
— David Bratman | Kate Neville | Jennifer Rogers | Robin Anne Reid | Jason Fisher | John William Houghton | John Magoun
5 October 2021 | Tolkien Studies, XVIII, 275
An accounting of 2018’s outstanding monographs on Tolkien should begin with “The sweet and the bitter”: Death and dying in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, by Amy Amendt-Raduege (Kent, OH: Kent State UP, 2018). More reduced than expanded or revised from the author’s 2007 thesis from Marquette University, this book won the 2020 Mythopoeic Scholarship Award from the Mythopoeic Society. Pagan saints in Middle-earth by Claudio A. Testi (Zurich: Walking Tree, 2018) is another notable monograph of the year. This book expands on previous work by Testi, including “Tolkien’s Work: Is it Christian or Pagan? A Proposal for a ‘Synthetic’ Approach” in Tolkien Studies 10 (2013). Several more books of interest are also described below.…