Full-text search
7 January 2022 | Tolkienists | Erik Mueller-Harder
Tolkienists.org now includes full site searching! It’s still a first pass, but it’s an honest-to-goodness search function for the entire site. It’s conveniently available from the navigation panel (on the left of your screen if you have a wide-ish display (computers, tablets in landscape) and at the bottom of the page if you have a narrow-ish display (smart phones, tablets in portrait). I’ll be fine-tuning it over the next few days or weeks, but I’m so happy to finally have it basically working for you all!
The thumbnail images that accompany many of our posts should also be a bit better behaved, and will now usually include captions.
I’ll be continuing to work through the backlog of 2021 while keeping up with 2022. I hope you’re finding the site more and more useful as it begins to be as comprehensive as I’ve envisioned it.…