Headshot of Erik Mueller-Harder near Christ Church College, Oxford
Erik Mueller-Harder

A further update: I’m not dead yet!”

19 January 2025 | TolkienistsErik Mueller-Harder

A rather long time has elapsed since my last update, for which apologize. Mostly, there has been little new of any substance to say: I continue the slow recovery from long-COVID and continue to work on the highest-priority items: Anduin™ (which I both enjoy and am under contract for) and a chapter in a forthcoming book (ditto).

As time allows, I have designed a modern back-end for LR Citations, which will scale better (more paginations!) and will integrate with both Anduin™ and aspects of Digital Tolkien Project.

I still expect rather than hope to spruce the cobwebs off of Tolkienists​.org before too much longer, but I’m reminded of JRRT’s foreword to the first edition of LotR:

For if the labour has been long (more than fourteen years), it has been neither orderly nor continuous. But I have not had Bilbo’s leisure. Indeed much of that time has contained for me no leisure at all, and more than once for a whole year the dust has gathered on my unfinished pages.

My work is no Lord of the Rings. But then, you won’t have to wait fourteen years, either.…

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date recorded 📅2025-01-19
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