№ 151: Simone

30 March 2021 | Tolkien Experience ProjectSimone

My parents really liked the movies. But I was a rebellious child even before my teens and decided that if my parents liked it, I did not. However when being forced” to watch it during family time, I fell in love. The next day I started reading The Hobbit! …

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This is one in a series of posts where the content is provided by a guest who has graciously answered five questions about their experience as a Tolkien fan.

To see the idea behind this project, or if you are interested in sharing your own, visit the project homepage. If you enjoy this series, please consider helping us fund the project using the support page.

I want to thank Donato Giancola for allowing me to use his artwork for this project. Prints are available on his website!

Now, on to Simone’s responses:

1. How were you introduced to Tolkien’s work?

My parents really liked the movies. But I was a rebellious child even before my teens and decided that if my parents liked it, I did not. However when being forced” to watch it during family time, I fell in love. The next day I started reading The Hobbit!

2. What is your favorite part of Tolkien’s work?

The Pelennor Fields

3. What is your fondest experience of Tolkien’s work?

I met my best friend through our shared love for Tolkien and I will be forever grateful.

4. Has the way you approach Tolkien’s work changed over time?

Definitely, I read The Hobbit when I was 9 and while I loved it, I Definitely missed things as children do. (Also because I first read the books in Dutch)

5. Would you ever recommend Tolkien’s work? Why/​Why not?

Yes absolutely. Tolkien’s world is so vast and beautiful I want everyone to experience it. However I always tell people that its okay to not like his writing style/​if they have to get used to it. I love it, but not everyone has to.

[Full text is provided here in the event that the original blog post is no longer available. If possible, please read the original post at Tolkien Experience Project – Luke Shelton PhD.]

Authoritative information may be found here.

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source URL 🌐Simone’s Experience — Tolkien Experience Project (151) – Luke Shelton PhD
date recorded 📅2022-01-13
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