
The Middle-earth history of Helm’s Deep

Looper } Jaron Pak

… The pic will expand the untold story behind the fortress of Helm’s Deep.” Most fairweather fans simply know this location as the imposing structure where Théoden, Aragorn, and company fight a monstrous battle in the film The Two Towers.” While this is certainly a major moment in the stronghold’s history, though, it isn’t the biggest one. The seminal event in Helm’s Deep’s backstory comes 250 years before Legolas and Gimli play who can kill the most Uruk-hai” and Saruman sees his dreams dashed in one long, bloody night. The citadel’s greatest moment will actually unfold during the upcoming movie. With that in mind, we’ve decided to do a deep dive into the backstory of Helm’s Deep to see what makes this bastion of the Rohirrim such a big deal.…

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What to expect in LotR: War of the Rohirrim

Looper } Jaron Pak

… This leaves the story square in the second half of the Third Age. Fortunately, the Deadline report went into further detail, explaining that the events of the film would specifically focus on Helm Hammerhand, a king of the Rohirrim that waged a desperate fight at none other than Helm’s Deep itself (and yes, it’s named after him). This narrows the narrative window to a very specific event that takes place less than three centuries before the War of the Ring. That said, here are a few of the things that we can expect to see in the upcoming film.…

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date recorded 📅2021-06-16
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