Will Sherwood


  • independent scholar

Will Sherwood is a scholar who specialises in Romanticism and J.R.R. Tolkien. He is also the Education Secretary for the UK Tolkien Society. Will’s Masters by Research thesis fused both his fields of research together in The Romantic Faëry’: Keats, Tolkien, and the Perilous Realm. The thesis argued that Keats and Tolkien shared a conception of the perilous Faërie as the national heritage of England and Britain, as well as a debt to the antiquarians James Macpherson and Thomas Chatterton, the early Romantic writers of the Age of Forgery’ in the 1760s

Will is the Education Secretary for the Tolkien Society. A secondary school teacher of English and Music in Kent, Will is passionate about building relationships between the Society and educational institutes across the globe. He welcomes communications from schools and educational charities that are looking to engage with Tolkien’s life and works

On the web

    Contact for these current CfPs

    2022-04-1: The Tolkien Society: Tolkien Society Seminar 2022: “Tolkien and the Gothic”




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