The representation of human agency in Roverandom (1925)

— Gözde Ersoy, Assistant Professor of English Literature, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University

Paper given 5 September 2021 at 4th day of Oxonmoot 2021

John Clute devised his model of full-fantasy in 1997 and then updated it in 2011. According to him, there are four gradual phases in fantasy: wrongness, thinning, recognition, and return. Roverandom can be identified as a smaller scale portal-quest fantasy, whereby the fantastic appears through entries, negotiations, transitions, and personal dealings. In this quest, the goal for Rover is to regain the original dog size and qualities. Throughout the paper presentation, I would like to explain the transforming adventures of the novel with a fictionalized maturation framework developed by me. The name of the model is The Representation of Human Agency in Quest Fantasy Literature” (2016). Through drawing on from philosphy, psychology, sociology, and educational theories, it aims to outline the tracks and social integration processes within the adventurous journeys. Inspired by Clute’s model, the new model offers to sunstantiate the stages of self-growth within fantasy fiction novels.

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date recorded 📅2021-09-05
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