Happy 130th, J.R.R. Tolkien!
3 January 2022 | Tolkienists | Erik Mueller-Harder
Happy New Year to all, and many happy returns on this, J.R.R. Tolkien’s 130th birthday!
To celebrate, Tolkienists is pleased to announce that all 2021 peer-reviewed articles, standard articles, reviews, notes, and editorials from Journal of Tolkien Research, Mallorn, Mythlore, and Tolkien Studies are listed and cross-referenced, as too are most 2021 issues of Beyond Bree.
It’s my hope over the next week or so to finish up the 2021 publication backlog (the rest of Beyond Bree all issues of Amon Hen and The Journal of Inklings Studies), as well as start whittling away at blog posts, news articles, calls for papers, past conference papers, future conference schedules, and book releases.